

Kristóf Szombati

Kristóf Szombati is a scholar, educator and practitioner based in Berlin. After spending a decade in the Hungarian environmental movement, he co-founded the green LMP party and was an elected member of its Steering Committee. He left the party in 2011 to pursue a doctoral degree focusing on the rise of right-wing authoritarian politics in rural Hungary. Since defending his PhD at the Central European University (CEU) in 2016, he has been active as both a scholar and democracy practitioner. He has published extensively on right-wing politics, taught courses on de-democratization at universities in the US and Europe, and supported a series of re-democratization initiatives in his native Hungary. His current employer is the Humboldt University, and he is also Editor for Political Economy at the Review of Democracy.


Erdem Evren

Erdem Evren is an anthropologist and translator living in Berlin. Erdem is originally from Turkey, where he studied ethnographically the AKP's rule in the rural Northeastern part of the country. His book, Bulldozer Capitalism, shows that people can accommodate their own dispossession and displacement if they are directed to negotiate, invest in, and speculate on the destruction of their built environment and nature.


Polina Georgescu

Polina Georgescu is a Berlin-based documentary director and cinematographer. She produces the artwork for This Authoritarian Life

Shai Levy

Shai Levy is a Berlin-based photographer, filmmaker and cinematographer. He is responsible for mastering This Authoritarian Life

Vera Jónás

Vera Jónás is a Hungarian singer-songwriter and expressive arts practitioner currently based in Berlin. She is responsible for editing This Authoritarian Life.



Anna Stiede

Anna Stiede, born in 1987 in Jena (GDR), is a freelance performer, moderator and curator. She combines many years of experience as a political educator and communication trainer with tools from the performing arts. In 2019 she became part of the theater collective Panzerkreuzer Rotkäppchen

The motor of her artistic praxis is the struggle for socio-erotic bodies. In her many years of collaboration with the Italian Istituto Istoreco (Reggio Emilia) she has collected stories of social movements through intensive work with contemporary witnesses. She is interested in the everyday life, body and machine knowledge, grey areas, marketplaces, ambiguities, time holes and mistakes. She uses theater as a method to examine social conditions, to investigate the unsayable and to try out utopias. In doing so, she explores the boundaries of the stage and the body in order to break up the relationship between the audience and the stage space.

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Arkadij Lomonosov

Arkadij Lomonosov (a pseudonym we use to protect his identity) is a journalist and anti-fascist activist from Russia. He was based in Moscow until the sharp authoritarian turn in Russia following the outbreak of the war in Ukraine forced him to leave the country. 

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Elske Rosenfeld

Elske Rosenfeld, born 1974 in Halle/S. (GDR), works in different media and formats. Her primary focus is the histories of state socialism and the revolution of 1989/90. Documents and archives are starting points for organizing spaces in which these hi/stories can come to be present.

Her works have been featured at international exhibitions, among others at the HKW, Berlin (2024); Matter of Art Biennale, Prague (2024); Goethe Institute, Moscow (2020); mumok kino, Vienna (2016); and Devi Art Foundation, Delhi (2013).

Her texts have been published in/on Berliner Tagesspiegel, Der Freitag, Berliner Hefte, Reviews in Cultural Theory and other publications.

Since 2018 she has been as a board member of the Stiftung Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte, a foundation dedicated to keeping the ideas of the citizens’ movements of the GDR and the 1989 revolution alive.

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Firoozeh Farvardin

Firoozeh Farvardin is a feminist scholar and activist. She grew up in Iran, studied sociology in Iran and Germany and completed her doctoral thesis at Humboldt University. She currently works as a researcher and lecturer at the Institute of Political Science (IPW) at the University of Vienna, specializing in politics and gender. She is also affiliated with the Middle East Research Group (MERGE) at the Berlin Institute for Empirical Integration and Migration Research (BIM).

Her research focuses on body politics, reproductive politics, gender strategies against authoritarian neoliberalism, emerging feminisms in the global south, feminist subjectivity, and social movements in Iran and the Middle East. Besides academic publications, her writings have been published in Untoldmag, Open Democracy, and analyse & kritik (AK).

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Iris Hefets

Iris Hefets is a psychoanalyst and board member of "Jewish Voice for Peace", an organization which has been one of the most vocal critics of Israel's occupation of the West Bank and its blockade and bombardment of Gaza in Germany. She was born in Israel and studied psychoanalysis, which she has been practicing for many years. She edited the "Kedma" portal, a platform for Mizrachi discourse in Hebrew. In 2002 she left Israel and has since been living in Berlin. She is known in Germany for staging one-person protests in response to Israel's most recent campaign in Gaza.

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Richard Seymour

Richard Seymour is a Northern Irish author, commentator and owner of the blog Lenin's Tomb. His books include The Meaning of David Cameron (2010), Unhitched (2013), Against Austerity (2014), Corbyn: The Strange Rebirth of Radical Politics (2016) and Disaster Nationalism (2024). He currently lives in London. A former member of the Socialist Workers Party, he left the organization in March 2013. He completed his PhD in sociology at the London School of Economics under the supervision of Paul Gilroy. He has contributed to publications such as The Guardian and Jacobin.

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Yasaman Pishvaei

Yasaman (Yassi) Pishvaei is an Iranian multidisciplinary artist, Expressive Arts facilitator, and arts-based researcher who currently lives in the countryside near Berlin.

With a background that includes a Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts from OCAD University in Toronto (Canada) and a Master's degree in Expressive Arts Therapy with a minor in Psychology from the European Graduate School in Saas-Fee (Switzerland), she is currently pursuing a PhD in the same field.

Her research highlights the embodied, visceral, and sensorial aspects of existence, using arts-based methodologies to uncover layers of experience that often remain unseen or unspoken. Her artistic work serves as a process of deconstruction and reconstruction, unraveling the complexities of the worlds she has inhabited and that have, in turn, inhabited her. This exploration bridges the personal and the collective, investigating how individual stories shape and are shaped by the broader zeitgeist.

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